Intro: The Wolfpack Hustle Unified Title Race Series

WHAT THIS IS: From a field of thousands… One Man and One Woman will be declared the 2013 Wolfpack Hustle Unified Title Series Champions.
The Unified Title is a series of 3 unique and extremely challenging bicycle races in the City of Los Angeles. During the first two races, Men and Women will compete separately for points in 2 categories: Fixed Gear or Free-Wheel (Geared). Top 16 winners in each race accumulate points and free entry into the following race event.
For the third and final race, Fixed and Free-Wheel categories will unify into one SINGLE SPEED category (Fixed or Free-Wheel) Competitors will qualify for a Men’s and Women’s top 16 bracketed elimination sprint finale. Points will be tallied across all 3 races to determine series winners. In the event of a tie for any placing, fastest qualifying time breaks the tie. Failing that, a tie-breaker sprint will be held.
WHAT IS AT STAKE: Wolfpack Hustle Dog Tags will be awarded for 1st place winners in each individual race for each category and division. Swag will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each individual race for each category and division. 2013 Wolfpack Hustle custom sculpted gold medallions, swag, and cash prizes will be awarded the series champions.
Get more info and details on the race series here >>
Race #1: The Marathon Crash Race March 17th 2013 This is a road race across Los Angeles from the East to the Beach. The course is the pre-dawn Marathon route – approximately 26 miles of LA streets. At 4AM, Marathon workers begin to shut down the route and shortly after that is when this race takes place. This is an unsanctioned, non-permited race. However Wolfpack Hustle is working with LAPD to facilitate safe passage. First place Mens / Womens / Fixed Gear / Free-Wheel will receive Wolfpack Hustle Dog Tags. Top 16 finishers in each category will receive points in the series and free entry to Race #2 All others will receive points for participating. Lights, Helmets and Brakes are required. Get More Info >>