State Bicycle 6061 Black Label // Product Review by
Friend of the shop Kris Fay over at just posted up a review of the State Bicycle Co. 6061 Black Label Complete. Definitely worth a read if you have been looking into a Black Label, and even more so if you were looking to use it as a daily commuter rather than a track bike!
It’s been a few solid weeks riding around on the State Bicycle Co. 6061 Black Label that’s now become a sweet basket bike. After getting this thing built up I put it through the ringer with a solid couple of weeks art work (lots of rain), some long days on the trail and running errands around town. Overall I dig the bike and though it wont be my daily rider I’m sure it’ll be one of the regulars. Here’s a little breakdown of why…
Check out more photos and the full product review over on, and make sure to check out the new color options and shop here at!
Photography c/o