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City Grounds // Return of the Community Section

A while back we switched our website to a new platform, many of you might have noticed the new shopping features such as filtered navigation, quick shop, new payment methods, etc. With the changes we had to re-create our website from the ground up - not the easiest thing to do!

Before the switch we had been slowly and thoughtfully building up a Community section - a place that represented the lifestyle and people that made up City Grounds. However, since the switch we have been trying to perfect the shopping aspect of our website and have had less time to work on the fun stuff.

Now that the shopping experience is mostly to our liking, we get to get back to what we are passionate about and the reason this company exists - the community. So, enough writing -

Check out the re-vamped Community Section here:

& check out the Team/Staff Rider pages -brought back from the archives - complete with rider bike checks, videos and more:

Keep checking back as we plan on continuing to expand our community section with new rider profiles, videos and much more. Also, let us know what you think or would like to see in the future in the comments section, we always like to hear feedback from all of you!

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