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Fixed Gear Festival of Long Beach

So Long Beach has really kicked it up a notch lately with promoting itself as "the most cycling friendly urban city in the United States". May 7th-9th will kick off the 2nd Annual Long Beach Bicycle Festival and on Friday the 7th it will be the Fixed Gear Festival which City Grounds will be sponsoring located in East Village Arts District. There is going to be all kinds of awesome competitions including best trick, skid, foot down, along with many more. Gold Sprints will also be run by LBC Sprints. On Friday there will be numerous vendors, shops, food, live DJ's including DJ Nobody, and even City Council Members are going to race tricycles. There will also be bike valet for those who don't wan't worry about locking up. Throughout the weekend other events will be going on including the Tour de Long Beach, Bike Polo, Roller Derby, Art Exhibition, Vintage Bike Show, Bike Films, and Bmx Flatland. you can check out the full list of flyers here. Come check it out and have a fun time doing something we all love!